Showing 1–8 of 16 results

Priced From $250.00
Out of stock One female currently remaining. Very nice Hog Island boas. Choose between single males(s) or male/female pairs. Feeding on fuzzy pinkies.


We have a young strawberry corn snake roghly 21 inches in length. Very good eater being fed frozen/thawed as well as live small rodents.

Priced From $160.00
We have a young pair of Common Colombian Boa Constrictors. These were farm raised in Columbia. Special pricing for the pair, but also available individually. Very nicely colored.


Rated 4.67 out of 5
Priced From $100.00

Rated 5.00 out of 5
Priced From $220.00
out of stock
Our farm raised Hermann pre-adults are not yet at full maturity and oftentimes their sex cannot be determined. Most often, these tortoises will be kept within secure indoor enclosures at the Ranch.

Very nice Egyptian male. 2+ years old and ready to breed!
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