Tortoise Hatchling Care Guide

Tortoise Hatchling Care

Feel Free To Contact Us With Any Questions on: housing, bedding, lighting, feeding, supplements, or soaking

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  1. Hello, I have always loved turtles and tortoises. I’ve owned a few aquatic and semi aquatic turtles and currently own some box turtles. I was looking into getting a tortoise or two as well. Curious if there is one breed that would be able to co mingle with boxes or not? I was looking into getting one Hermann’s and one leopard. I have several animals and usually do the thing where I buy the animal and buy all the things they need after but I feel a tortoise needs a bit more thought beforehand. Thank you in advance!

    1. Hello,
      I don’t recommend a setup with different breeds cohabiting the same area. Their diets will be slightly different and the torts could get exposed to things that one species has natural immunity to but the other does not. We do have both hermann’s and leopards available and both are excellent pets. But, they should be kept separate from other tort species.

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