Elongated Tortoise Hatchling

Priced From $185.00 & Shipping

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Elongated Tortoise Hatchling

(Indotestudo Elongata)

The Elongated Tortoise is native to Northeastern India, and portions of Southeast Asia and Malaysia.  Their natural habitat includes tropical forests as well as hilly regions and plateaus.  The Florida climate, where we keep our breeders and their captive bred offspring, provides a good substitute environment for these tortoises. They will not do well in colder climates and, even in Florida, require heated habitats during seasonably cold periods. These tortoises can be raised along with redfoots and/or yellowfoots with very similar feed and care needs. Wild caught imports should typically be avoided as these may not acclimate well to new environments and parasites will often be present.

As their name indicates, these tortoises are typically twice as long as they are wide.  Also, their shells can be considerably depressed. With their unique and distinctive appearance, their typical full size of about 12 inches, and ease of care, these rare tortoises are an excellent choice for many years of enjoyment.

see description on wiki

NOTE: Must be 18+ years old to order. Please check your state and local laws concerning captive species before ordering. Turtles and tortoises under 4 inches are sold for scientific, educational, and exhibition purposes only.

Additional information

Common Name

Elongated Tortoise

Scientific name

Indotestudo elongata




Typical adult size

around 12 inches/7 pounds