Spur Thigh Tortoise Pre Adults

Priced From $250.00 & Shipping


We have several very nice pre adults.  They are between 4.5 and 6 inches and priced at $250 each plus shipping. They are very well started active eaters.  They are feeding on a variety of spring mix collard greens, mustard greens, and romaine lettuce.  Given their young age, their sex remains undetermined.  They must be kept in a protected indoor environment.   At maturity, these tortoises will grow to be quite large.  When properly cared for, they will provide a lifetime of enjoyment.

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Spurthigh Tortoise Pre- Adults (Geochelone Sulcata)

The Spur Thigh tortoise is native to eastern and southern Africa where it lives in grasslands or other semi-arid areas. The Florida climate where we keep our breeders and their captive bred offspring, provides a good substitute environment for these tortoises. These attractive tortoises are the third largest species of tortoises and the largest available at Redfoot Ranch.  Typical full size adults range from around 18 inches to over three feet in length.  These hearty tortoises have a long life span and, as they reach maturity, will require a large space. When properly cared for, they will provide a lifetime of enjoyment.

Our Spur Thigh breeders openly graze for much of their dietary needs. This is augmented with leafy greens, succulent plants, cactus, and fibrous fruits (e.g., apples). Adults also receive a small amount of protein (commercially packaged turtle food, broken down with water) to augment their predominantly vegetable diet. Hatchlings are fed similarly with very little or no protein.


Additional information

Common Name

Spur Thigh tortoise

Scientific name

Geochelone Sulcata




Typical adult size

18 inches – 36 inches+


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